
Who are you?

I am Blatto! I make fanart, fanfiction, the occasional bit of analysis, and a whole lot of lists. I'm usually active in online fandom spaces like Tumblr, AO3, and Discord. When I'm not, I'm usually on the search for interesting online art and entertainment as well as knowledge and research. I'm a huge believer in access to information and the arts, so I try to promote open access and free projects as often as I can.

What do you do?

You can find my art, writing snippets, and the rare analysis on my tumblr @itsoverfeeling. I also post fanfiction on my AO3 OVER_feeling and have a few incomplete fic series. I make a lot of fandom stuff, but I also have some original characters I play with on Minecraft. Sometimes I even draw those characters!

How did you make this site?

I'm learning on the go! I knew nothing about CSS or website design going in, so I made use of the following resources: